Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Vote Angie Simmons for council because....

I am passionate about keeping our community here on the Hibiscus Coast a beautiful place for future generations to enjoy. I have lived here and raised my family here for over twenty years. I have also taught many local children over the years as a primary school teacher. I would like to ensure our beaches and green spaces are protected and maintained for everyone to enjoy. I do not want to see the area over developed with high density housing and high rise developments shading our beaches and spoiling the landscape.

Future growth and development for businesses and housing needs to be planned for carefully with the needs of the community in mind - not the developers pockets!

Referendums on important issues need to be mandatory and the resident's wishes listened to and actioned upon.

Vote for me and I will work hard for residents and ratepayers!

1 comment:

Allan Parker said...

To all Hibiscus Coast Ward and Mayoral Candidates 2007 on the matter of Depleting Oil Supplies and Climate change.

As a potential councillor and leader of the community you will be thinking how you can best serve ratepayers. I anticipate that you will commit yourself to those issues of most concern to ratepayers such as local employment, improved roads, maintaining the Coast life style and controlling rate rises.

Ratepayers will expect you to keep the promises you make. However you could be compromised by trends in the world that are starting to have an impact on our economy.

There is a growing storm being stirred by the converging problems of ever rising oil prices and climate change. This storm will introduce great uncertainty into the council plans for the future.

You may not be fully up to speed on peak oil and climate change and so I have prepared a briefing paper that I will drop in your letter box. At the end are listed the reports and scientific research on which it is based.

The demand for oil is starting to outstrip supply and we face runaway climate change unless action is taken soon. I want the Council to start preparing for the worst as we do for civil emergencies.

I urge you not to take my word at face value and request you do your own research and draw your own conclusions on how the ratepayers, local economy, rates, transport infrastructure and use of land in the district will be affected.

I have made many submissions to council on these matters and will continue to do so.

Lastly, I am happy to answer questions to provide further clarification of this challenge that we all face.

Allan Parker